Dental caries

Dental caries is a infectious disease which damages structure of tooth. Tooth decay is caused by certain type of acid producing bacteria which is microscopic in nature & can’t see it by naked eyes. It is the most common disease in the whole world after the common cold.
If the caries progress the damaged enamel surface becomes dark brown or black. A late sign of dental caries is holes or cavities in the affected teeth.
Dental Caries Treatment
CARIES TEETH with apical abscess
 dental caries treatment jalandhar punjab

Symptoms of dental caries :

Sensation & painful tooth when eating cold, hot & sugary drinks or food.

Treatments of dental caries :

Filling the cavity as soon as detected.Superficial cavities can be filled after cleaning with drill.Deep cavities involving root of tooth require RCT. To know more about RCT click here.

We use best filling materials like composite, glass informer, calcium hydroxide & occasionally amalgam so filling last longer.

dental caries treatment jalandhar punjab


If too much of tooth has been destroyed ,it has to be reconstructed with the help of crowns or bridges.To know more about crowns and bridges click here..

Prevention of dental caries

Cleaning teeth at least twice with fluoride or triclosan contain tooth paste.