Lasik C-Lasik ICL Trifocal lens Get rid of near glasses MICS Multifocal Lenses Cataract Surgery Refractive Surgery sympfony lens for presbyopia Glaucoma Surgery Squint Surgery Retina And Vitreous Diseases Ophthalmoplastic Surgery Neuro Ophthalmology Contact Lenses Pediatric Ophthalmology Common Eye Diseases Testimonials DENTAL DEPARTMENT Fixed teeth in just 3 days Dental Implant Crown & Bridge Work Root Canal Treatment (RCT) Dental Wiring Tooth whitening Dental Caries Wisdom Teeth Tooth Extraction Gum Diseases Testimonials Apart from above mentioned services, we also provide following services :- Apicoectomy Splinting (Tightening loose teeth) Gum flap surgery and bone grafting of advance periodontal diseased teeth Comfortable and painless ultrasonic scaling Cast partial denture Single crown with different materials Unbreakable full set denture Orthodontic treatment for improving aesthetic and occlusion Implant and implant supported bridge Veneering Teeth whitening Pediatric dentistry Dental X-ray DENTAL DEPARTMENT Our dental department provides the following services to our patients :- Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+