Get fixed teeth in just 3 days

Get fixed teeth [Dental Implants] in just 3 days or 72 hours and start eating immidiately.

From no teeth to fixed functional teeth in just 3 days .The immediate loading functional implants.
With the latest technique basal or bicortical implants, you can get fixed teeth in just 3 days time even if you are having no teeth in your mouth and you can start eating and enjoying your food immidiately.No need to wait for months as in conventional old techniques.Thanks to new technique of cortical dental implants which are functional ,in just 72 hours or 3 days.

immidiate loading functional dental implants jalandhar punjab

BEFORE                                                    AFTER 72 HOURS                                                                                                                                                              

If you are having just 3 or 4 missing teeth,you can get teeth fixed on same day.
If you need few teeth to be extracted or removed ,these can be removed and implants can be put the same day…no need to wait.If your jaw bone is atrophied or you are having diabetes …this technique is very successful.
HARPREET DENTAL IMPLANT SURGERY CENTRE, situated in our premises is a part of international chain SIMPLADENT CLINICS,offering bicortical implant services .It is the only clinic in punjab as a part of simpladent here..


What are basal or bicortical implants?

Dental implants are of two types

1. Basal or bicortical implants.

2.  conventional implants.

Basal implants are dental implants that employ the very hard  basal cortical portion of the jaws for implant retention. These implants are uniquely and specifically designed for the sole purpose of gaining anchorage from the basal cortical bone and have gone through several changes and modifications in the past several decades.

To understand bicortical implants you can learn from simple fact that if we drill in wall and put a screw you get immediate strength to hang a photo frame. Similarly bicortical implants being screwed in very tough cortical bone ,can immediately take forces of chewing food as compared to conventional dental implants.These work on principle of osseofixation just like bone doctors fix bones in orthopedics.

conventional dental implants[old method] on the other hand involves putting screws in soft part of jaw bone ,then waiting for six months so that the screw put is captured strongly by healing forces of body,before it can be loaded with artificial teeth for eating.This waiting period turns off the patient and is quite cumber some. These work on principle of osseo integration.


fixed teeth in 3 days basal implants jalandhar punjab india


Rationale of using basal implants

Teeth are present in less dense bone portions of the jaw bones called the alveolar bone. This is also known as the crestal bone of the jaw. The less dense alveolar or crestal bone gradually starts getting resorbed and recedes once the teeth are lost. The bone which ultimately remains after regression of the alveolar bone following loss of teeth is the basal bone which lies below the alveolar bone.It is very dense and so it is used for fixing bicortical implants.

This basal bone is less prone to bone resorption and infections. It is highly dense, corticalized, and offers excellent support to implants. The conventional implants are placed in the crestal alveolar bone which comprises bone of less quality and is more prone to resorption.

basal bicortical implants jalandhar punjab india

Advantages of Immediate loading functional  (bicortical dental implants) over conventional implants.


Biggest advantage is that patient can start eating food in 72 hours .That is why slogan -from no teeth to fixed teeth in 72 hours

1.There is only one surgical procedure for the patient.The prosthesis[ artificial teeth over implants ] is fixed within 72 hrs. of implant surgery saving  time and costs  considerably and patient can start eating immediately. In case of old technique conventional implants involving multiple surgical procedures like bone augmentation / grafting procedures, the total treatment time will be about 6 months to 1 year. The need for temporary dentures / provisionals are totally eliminated, in addition to avoidance of a second surgery for implant exposure in order to fix the abutment over the implant.

2. Cost savings; Multiple procedures like sinus lift,bone grafting,bone augmentation etc are totally bypassed decreasing cost burden of these extra procedures required in old conventional dental implants technique.

3.Successful even in complicated cases; this new technique can be done in all complicated cases also [in addition to normal cases] ,where conventional implant is big no no like atrophied jaw bone,sinus in the path of implant,diabetes,cancer patients,jaw fractures ,immuno compromised patients and many more.Basal implants also offer a unique opportunity for the implantologist to treat cases which cannot be treated with the conventional implant systems.


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Bicortical implants bypassing sinus ,so no need for sinus lift procedure required with conventional  


4.They can be placed in the extraction sockets immediately after removing a tooth and also in the healed bone as well. Facilitate implant placement immediately after multiple extractions in single  stage anesthesia – Basal implants work fine in patients with severe gum disease (acute destructive periodontitis etc.) where the mobile teeth have little or no bone support at all by facilitating implant placement and immediate loading soon after extractions.
5. Works very well even in the most unfavorable bone situations;Their structural characteristics allow placement in the bone that is deficient in height and width [Ghasi haddi].  Avoidance of bone augmentation / grafting, sinus lifts and nerve trans-positioning – These implants are unique in that they can be made to utilize the available bone in the best possible manner to avoid bone augmentation procedures. With conventional implants, the available bone is modified (by using bone – grafts, bone substitute grafts etc.)  to suit the implants. With the basal implants, implants are selected or adapted to suit the patient’s own available bone – with respect to quality and quantity. Bone augmentation, if needed, is only required for esthetic reasons and not for improving the anchorage of the implant in bone.
6.Minimally invasive (‘key hole’ surgery), minimal surgical complications – in most situations, the single piece screw type implants can be inserted in a minimally invasive fashion – often flapless (“Keyhole implants”) and involving minimum bone cutting. The implants are self tapping and condense bone around the implant during insertion. Being minimally invasive, they are also associated with minimum post operative edema and healing at the procedure sites are rapid and often non-eventful. Additional surgical risks and complications are eliminated in addition to cost savings.



fixed teeth dental implants in just 3 days jalandhar punjab

 BEFORE Immediate loading functional dental implants


 immidiate loading functional dental implants fixed teeth in 3 days jalandhar punjab immidiate loading functional dental implants

AFTER Immediate loading functional dental implants


7.Advantageous distribution of masticatory forces As basal implants are anchored in high quality basal bone, the biomechanical loads (masticatory forces etc.) are distributed to the cortical bone regions which are highly resistant to resorption and have very high repairing capacity. The force distribution is away from the bone areas surrounding the implant which are prone to bacterial invasion and hence these implants survive very well even in very unfavorable conditions. This sort of force distribution also helps in the prevention of “facial collapse” owing to bone resorption in the areas where there is no masticatory stimulation.

8.Revolutionary designs and features of the basal implants help the implantologist in treating a wide variety of cases which cannot be attempted with the conventional two / three – piece crestal implants.

9.Avoids temporary dentures or the “missing teeth” look .Provides emotional benefit for a patient scheduled to be rendered toothless .Immediate load dental implants reduce the psychological and physical impact of losing teeth by quickly replacing them so there is no need to wear a removable prosthesis such as a denture or have gaps in your smile during the healing period.
10. Negligible infection incidence; Extremely low failure rates Virtually no incidence of Peri-implantitis [infection of implant]  due to smooth service. Peri-implantitis is the single most common cause for failure of conventional implants.

11. Others; Eliminates the need for and maintenance of a removable temporary teeth.Improves bone healing ,Facilitates soft tissue shaping.

Eliminates premature implant exposure often associated with wearing of a removable denture during healing period.

So the technique of basal implantology virtually solves all problems connected with conventional (crestal) implantology.


fixed teeth in just 3 days jalandhar punjab india

History of immediate loading functional dental implants  

The concept of immediate loading functional dental implants is not novel but extends back to the 1960s, when implant dentistry was still in its relative infancy. While implants of that period were often placed and immediately loaded they did not always achieve the success rates that are observed and accepted today.

For years, dental implants have been loaded immediately upon implant placement with varying degrees of success. As clinicians’ understanding of the biological and mechanical factors involved in immediate funtional loading has evolved, the success of these procedures has increased— particularly as a treatment option for the restoration of the teeth in a person having no teeth in mouth.

For more details on the procedure contact us at ; +919872317780