Refractive eye Surgery
Refractive eye surgery is used to improve the refractive state of the eye and decrease or eliminate dependency on glasses or contact lenses. This can include various methods of surgical remodeling of the cornea,lasers, lens implantation or lens replacement.
Refractive eye surgery procedures
1. Laser Vision Correction
Laser vision correction can correct myopia (short sight) upto -9.00D[in selective cases]
Hyperopia (long sight) upto +4.00D, and astigmatism upto 6.00D.
Harpreet Eye Care centre is equipped with the advanced software system for laser vision correction in which the treatment can be personalized for each eye of the patient.

A personalized c lasik treatment (Customized LASIK) corrects the refractive errors to great accuracy and provides best quality of vision by additionally correcting the optical aberration of the eye. A tissue saving C lasik as the name suggests, corrects the required power using lesser amount of corneal tissue, thus can correct more refractive error in thin corneas. An Aspheric lasik has the double advantage of correcting spherical aberration of the eye as well as maintaining natural corneal shape.
To know more about c lasik click here
2. Intra Ocular Surgeries(Non laser methods)
Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) ICL corrects higher degree of refractive error which cannot be done by laser treatments. Implantable contact lenses (ICL spherical /Toric) is surgically implanted in the eye between the iris and the natural crystalline lens through a small corneal incision.
To know more about ICL click here

3.Refractive lens exchange RLE
In refractive lens exchange RLE surgery the natural crystalline lens of the eye is replaced with an artificial Intra ocular lens (IOL) to achieve sharper focus, rarely it is opted for young people with very high powers. The surgical procedure is almost the same as cataract surgery and is done under local/topical anesthesia.Lenses used are multifocal,accomodative[crystalens],toric, asheric.
To know more about RLE click here

Multifocal Lense

Accomodative Lense [crystalens]